Thursday, December 20, 2012

Vital information about the end of the world

Back in my '09 visit to Montana, I visited these two guys my dad befriended when he first moved there. Knowing that I'm an astronomy buff, they showed me this:

(click to embiggen)

I didn't know what to say, really; I was speechless. Instead, I shrugged, said "approximately the size of the moon? Can't wait to see that" and snapped this photo, which has been lost in the pile of bits until now. There were a few other pages in the informational goldmine that featured predictions of other great disasters for the three years that were to come (from 2009), but sadly, I neglected to take pictures of them. I think one of them predicted Rebecca Black's Friday. If only I had only been more diligent as the data packrat I'm wont to be...

Well, better late than never, right?