I recently was in communication with a human resources representative from Google, and learned some about their hiring process. She recommended Project Euler as a refresher in algorithms. I said I would be ready in three weeks. I shall give myself two for the "first stage", in which I shall attempt to solve five problems per day, so that I have completed a total of 70 problems October 26th.
In the process of writing this blog post my motivations changed from making the statement of "hey, look at me" so that I would be more inclined to keep my word to "good heavens, I really need some accountability so that I follow through with this." I am loathe to post answers publicly on this blog (because that would be like spoiling a puzzle and denying others the opportunity to solve it on their own) so I implore any mathematically inclined people out there who knew me at the University or otherwise to hold me accountable. Send me an email (demitri.morgan@gmail.com). Before submitting an answer to Project Euler I'll email it to you. I give every such volunteer permission (and encouragement) to e-harrass me if I am not forthcoming with solutions.
There will be a few days (October 19, 20 & 21) when I will not be at my computer, and thus not able to complete a solution. I will, however, attempt to come up with an algorithm for solving each problem, return on Sunday the 21st, and put it into code.
This may sound like pathetic bravado or delusions of grandeur, but I don't care how far I've fallen. but I'm bored with not giving myself intellectual challenges often enough. Instead of pleasure reading myself to sleep I'll sup on head-scratching and hard thinking in attempt to re-awaken mathematical problem-solving in myself.